Meeting of Egyptian BOD members

Upon invitation from the AFEI Chairman, and attended by the Assistant General Secretary, Egyptian members of the board in AFEI held a meeting to follow up the implementation of the AFEI General Assembly resolutions, namely:

– Reviewing the bylaw of AFEI

– Preparing for the next meeting of AFEI board of directors

– Preparing for the first meeting of the young industrialists

– Membership issues

– Cooperation with the National Accreditation Center in Egypt in accrediting products from the Arab countries as a passport to the global market.

Attendees agreed on holding the next general assembly meeting alongside the Calibration and Metrology conference that AFEI is organizing in cooperation with the Arab Federation for Metrology on 15-17/5/2010 in Cairo.

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Previous Launching meeting: the Restructuring and Modernization of the Standardization System in Syria

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The Arab Union of Engineering Industries

To develop the industry of the future

The Federation is an association of employers from Arab countries working in the engineering industries sector that aims to contribute to defending the interests of member companies within the framework of the general interest of society in all forums.